Doug's Rewena Bread

Doug's Rewena Bread


5 cups plain white flour
3/4 cup sugar
4 cups of warm water
7 tablespoons Surebake yeast
3-4 cups flour



Place the flour and Surebake yeast in a large bowl. Add warm water and mix together. Cover the mixture with a tea towel. Allow to sit in a warm place for the mixture to double in size. Time will vary depending on the temperature of where the mixture is placed.

When ready add 3-4 cups of flour and mix together with a knife. Turn out onto a well floured surface and knead dough until dough has a smooth texture, approximately 10 minutes, adding more flour to the surface if needed. Shape dough into a non stick loaf pan big enough to fit inside your first basket. Heat MultiKai Cooker with the housing and lid on until nice and hot. Place basket with loaf tin onto the hot plate and cook on 3/4 heat for approx 40 minutes. When cooked, tip the loaf of bread out of the tin and turn upside down onto the basket for a further 5 minutes to brown the top. Cut into slices and eat with whatever you like.

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    No oil and low pressure, steam cooking.


    A 9kg gas bottle will cook up to 10 meals (2 basket size).


    Use anywhere outdoors in well ventilated areas (except indoors – refer to instruction manual).

  • EASY

    Easy to use. Easy to clean. Easy to assemble.


    Functions, events or having family & friends over. Cooks for 10 to 250 depending on cooker size.

  • SAFE

    Safe to handle. No permits required for local fire ban restrictions.