Steamed Snapper with Spring onion, Soy and Ginger

Steamed Snapper with Spring onion, Soy and Ginger


6 150g fillets of Snapper skin on or Whole Snapper.

1t Fresh ginger (finely sliced)

10mls Good quality sesame oil

50mIs Soy sauce

4 Spring onion (finely sliced)

1 Red chilli (finely sliced)

6 Snow pea pods (finely sliced)

1/2 bunch Coriander

1 Lime



Set up your Multi Kai Cooker for steaming with both burners on high and a generous amount of water in the base, once you see steam you are good to go. Scale and debone the snapper fillets or if using a whole fish remove the outer fins and gills then using a sharp knife score three to four cuts in the skin side of the fillets or whole snapper.


Place the fish on a plate, making sure this will fit in the basket of the Multi Kai Cooker, sprinkle the fish with soy, sesame oil, ginger and some coriander stalks and let marinate for 10 minutes. Layer the plates in the baskets and place in the steaming cooker, depending on the size the fillets should take 5 to 10 minutes and the whole fish a little longer its best to check so don't overcook the fish.


Once done remove the plates from the Multi Kai Cooker, mix together the spring onion, chilli, snow peas and the coriander leaves, scatter over the fish and finish with a squeeze of lime juice and serve.

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    No oil and low pressure, steam cooking.


    A 9kg gas bottle will cook up to 10 meals (2 basket size).


    Use anywhere outdoors in well ventilated areas (except indoors – refer to instruction manual).

  • EASY

    Easy to use. Easy to clean. Easy to assemble.


    Functions, events or having family & friends over. Cooks for 10 to 250 depending on cooker size.

  • SAFE

    Safe to handle. No permits required for local fire ban restrictions.